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Cindy4's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Adelaide

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Cindy4 Forum Contributions
Veggie garden part - Hi Charles, We didn't put any liner down but the ground underneath the beds is very very hard and compacted. We have been checking the moisture levels with a PH / moisture tester and all seems to be Ok so far. We were thinking we might need shadecl..5360 days 1hrs
Veggie garden - Thanks Geoff. We got some chicken manure that had been pelleted so it's minus the smell which is much better for our relationship with the neighbours ;) I have attached a photo of our veggie garden. This is our 1st veggie garden and maybe a bit ambi..5367 days 23hrs
Veggie garden - Thanks Geoff. We got some chicken manure that had been pelleted so it's minus the smell which is much better for our relationship with the neighbours ;) I have attached a photo of our veggie garden. This is our 1st veggie garden and maybe a bit ambi..5367 days 23hrs
Veggie garden - Thanks Geoff. We got some chicken manure that had been pelleted so it's minus the smell which is much better for our relationship with the neighbours ;) I have attached a photo of our veggie garden. This is our 1st veggie garden and maybe a bit ambi..5367 days 23hrs
Veggie garden - Thanks Geoff. We got some chicken manure that had been pelleted so it's minus the smell which is much better for our relationship with the neighbours ;) I have attached a photo of our veggie garden. This is our 1st veggie garden and maybe a bit ambi..5367 days 23hrs

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