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Dave11's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Romsey

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Dave11 Forum Contributions
Dwarf macadamia tree questions - Do you have bees/other compatible maca plants around? From here. http://blogs.abc.net.au/queensland/2011/06/toms-answers-week-commencing-17-june.html?site=capricornia&program=capricornia_gardening_talkback_with_tom_wyatt REPLY: Macadamia if a seedl..4880 days 6hrs
Dwarf macadamia tree questions - They seem to go from having small very dark green shoots, stay dark till the leaves get about 6-10cm long, then go to light green, then as the next shoots come out a flush of deep green comes over the plant and the previous generation of leaves go light g..5174 days 3hrs
Dwarf macadamia tree questions - The native spikey little one appears to have died/not survived the winter and excessively water logged conditions. The others have taken off surprisingly well, they are starting to permanently lean due to the wind. They are planted downwind of a l..5174 days 3hrs
Dwarf macadamia tree questions - Have 6 macadamias growing, seedlings - Daleys. Native, h2, h16, a268,a4. Native extremely slow growing. Hawaiian have gone crazy easily 50-60cm over autumn. (from 45cm->1m in autumn) A268 died off the same as Steve's above but recovered - grew a..5321 days 0hrs

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