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Greenjay's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Williamsport

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Greenjay Forum Contributions
Miracle fruit - Their prices are a little steep for me any other places i found one for one dollar a seed but i cant find the website..5201 days 8hrs
Miracle fruit - John could you email me and keep me posted about the miracle fruit bushes..5202 days 13hrs
Miracle fruit - I know its winter in austrailia so im guessing growing season doesnt start for a while...5203 days 16hrs
Miracle fruit tree - If any one has seed that theyre willing to spare email me at jordenrucker@ymail.com..5204 days 4hrs
Miracle fruit - If anyone has plants or seed email me at jordenrucker@ymail.com ..5204 days 4hrs

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