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Kirbs's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Ballarat.

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Kirbs Forum Contributions
Veggie garden - Thanks kimmy, for that advice I have a choice of two different thicknesses of colorbond 0.42 @ $12.23/m and )0.6 @ $22.23/m but comparing the 2 prices one is almost double.I have selected red color which will aid in absorbing heat. Being in the Ballarat a..5232 days 1hrs
Veggie garden - After some 3-4 years we have decided to reinvent our vegie growing garden. My wife is keen on the raised garden concept and I it ticks all of the boxes. I visited the local Bunnings shop and took note of the size and price. I have done my research I can m..5233 days 22hrs

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