Viscomini's Edible Backyard
01/12/13 Updated:
01/12/13 Frost: Location: sw sydney * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy
Viscomini Forum Contributions
Maqui berry - hi all, picked up the maqui plants from bunnies yesterday, does anyone know how wide these grow and how long before i might expect some fruit, it says around 3-5mtrs can i expect that in circumfrence also?
any ways its in the ground with plenty room to g.. 5214 days 11hrs
Maqui berry - these berries contain the highest level of antioxidants and help to reduce cholestrol, weight and general wellbeing.
i have been eating acai berrie which have very similar elements and it has made a world of difference, looks like ill be stoppin at bunni.. 5218 days 4hrs
Maqui berry - HI WOULD ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN PURCHASE A Aristotelia chilensis [Mol.] Stuntz, ElaeocarpaceaE OR MAQUI PLANT.
WAYNE.. 5219 days 4hrs
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