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Saxman2's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Canning Vale W.A.

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Saxman2 Forum Contributions
Blueberry - Locust Alert!!! I just found about 14 really big (and now dead) locusts on my blueberries and raspberries. Having a field day they were... amazing how much damage a few dedicated insects can have in a short time. Hoping they are not a prequel to a lot of..5086 days 12hrs
Blueberry - They're $15 ea and large sweet berries, don't recall name! ..5185 days 18hrs
Blueberry - They sell great blueberry bushes at the Sunday morning growers markets at south fremantle shs lefroy rd too. Huge berries. Their bushes originally hale from florida usa and require much less chill factor than even Nellie kelly. : ) ..5200 days 16hrs

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