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Maqui Lover's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: sydney

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Maqui Lover Forum Contributions
Maqui berry - Hi Jantina, Yes to both.. they grow in amazing places... near rivers, inside the river, sunny spots in rain forest, and the edges hanging on the cliff.. see picture whre I grow up, Pilmaiquen 10th Region of Chile, rocks.. the annual rain is over 1500 to ..5115 days 0hrs
Maqui berry - Just take all leaves that will not survive even the one that are half grown.... do not be afraid of watering litres and litres of water... do not place then near eucaliptus, pine or other strong oily trees, best neightbours are Cherries, blackberry, flowe..5121 days 2hrs
Maqui berry - Just take all leaves that will not survive even the one that are half grown.... do not be afraid of watering litres and litres of water... do not place then near eucaliptus, pine or other strong oily trees, best neightbours are Cherries, blackberry, flowe..5121 days 3hrs
Maqui berry - Hi, I am from Chile and in the region where Maqui Trees grows, these tree is very tought and does not need too much soil as in natural habitat can grow in rocks, lava rock as long there is space for roots, best place is next to other bush trees to hide t..5122 days 1hrs

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