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Jim16's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jim16 Forum Contributions
Mango tree not fruiting - thanks grub do you have problems with frost in the winter, is there any solution to combat this, cheers jim..4982 days 4hrs
Mango tree not fruiting - Also Amanda what month does a mango tree start to flower in NSW, do you have any idea..5020 days 21hrs
Mango tree not fruiting - Hi Amanda Im located at Caves Beach in Lake Macquarie NSW...5020 days 21hrs
Mango tree not fruiting - does anybody know why this is so id love to grow some fruit :)..5027 days 19hrs
Mango tree not fruiting - hi my mang tree has the same black dried up ends as your pic did you find out what causes this.My tree has not had any fruit for over two years...5046 days 21hrs

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