Tania Forum Contributions
Blueberry burst - I have had one of these planted for about a year. I got a few quite a few flowers last year but no berries. This year I was hopeful and got lots and lots of flowers but the flowers are just not turning into fruit. Bush looks very healthy. We have two othe..
3846 days 5hrs
Marqui - I have a Marqui that is growing well. A number of weeks a go it had heaps of white flowers on it. BUT all I have is one single green berry ? what could of happened ?
Do you need more than one tree for more fruit ?
Please advise. ..
4831 days 19hrs
Dwarf mulberry tree2 - We have it in a pot plant ...
5077 days 14hrs
Dwarf mulberry tree2 - HELP , Our new (brought about 4 weeks ago )Dwarf mulberry tree mulbury tree is brown on the top of the main stem about 2cm and appears to be going down the stem,at a very slow pace. We dont want to see it die. All the leaves were very green but just noti..
5078 days 15hrs