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Grafted mango
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Donovan 's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Kwinana

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Donovan Forum Contributions
Blueberry - People tell me propgating blueberry cuttings is easy but I've had no luck. Maybe I'm using the wrong canes, old vs New growth. ..4405 days 16hrs
Blueberry - I was just at Masters Home Improvement in Forrestdale today and picked up a couple plants. They have plants in 14cm pots for 12.90 in their flyer, but they didn't have any, just larger ones in 17 cm pots for $20. But because they didn't have the cheaper..4422 days 15hrs
Blueberry - I was expecting a bumper crop this year, have had a couple so far, and came out this morning to fond my usually placid dog had destroyed two of my plants. Aggghhh!!..4460 days 20hrs
Rasberry bushes - So no posts here in almost a year, how did everyones raspberries go this year? Or did most fellow Perth growers give up? ..4478 days 13hrs
Blueberry - Hi Julie, Yah I currently have one Sharpe from Dawsons, one of the smaller ones, grown a fair bit in the last year. I also have a couple of Bunnings bought brigettas. I want to buy 3 or 4 more to grow enough to make jam, etc. I want a full on blueberry p..4483 days 15hrs

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