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Melissa7's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Perth

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Melissa7 Forum Contributions
Blueberry - Hey, check out my journal to see photos of my little experiment on my Nellie Kelly blueberries; "Comparison of 1st Year Blueberry Growth- Sacrifice of the First Crop v.s Instant Gratification" http://myfolia.com/journals/100039-comparison-of-1st-year..5072 days 4hrs
Blueberry - For your interest, I planted 2 similarly sized Nellie Kelly blueberries in identical conditions, in August last year. Large tubs, acid soil, pine mulch, dappled sun and protected from the wind. The only difference was, that I decided to test the advice gi..5072 days 4hrs

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