Merilyn1's Edible Backyard
01/12/13 Updated:
01/12/13 Frost: Location: Townsville * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy
Merilyn1 Forum Contributions
Cost of peanut butter trees - The cost of Peanut trees (Streculia) is about $2.50 (25cm tall) at the TAFE nursery at Pimlico, Townsville. I doubt that they would send overseas. I have a few growing nicely in Townsville and Mingela (100km south west, bit higher and cooler than Townsvil.. 5065 days 18hrs
Cost of peanut butter trees - The cost of Peanut trees (Streculia) is about $2.50 (25cm tall) at the TAFE nursery at Pimlico, Townsville. I doubt that they would send overseas. I have a few growing nicely in Townsville and Mingela (100km south west, bit higher and cooler than Townsvil.. 5065 days 18hrs
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