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In Stock Grafted Avocado Fruit Trees are now ready
In Stock Grafted Avocado Fruit Trees are now readyGrapes available nowFruit Tree PacksPitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

Liz14's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Ipswich

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Liz14 Forum Contributions
Fruits ive never heard of - Could I contact Mitch about sending me some fresh Billardiera scandens seed. I've tried to source plants from around Brisbane and Ipswich with no success...4884 days 20hrs
Fruits ive never heard of - Could I contact Mitch about sending me some fresh Billardiera scandens seed? I've been trying to get hold of some plants for ages, but none of the native nurseries or bush food places around Brisbane seem to stock Billardiera...4884 days 21hrs

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