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Johnny's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Western Aust

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Johnny Forum Contributions
Dekopon in australia - Thanks Gerry will do so..4870 days 1hrs
Dekopon in australia - Dear Steve You said your selling the seed @ $2 a seed - can you confirm its the Summo citrus and additionally where are you buting your seed from - would love to know as keen to purchase seed or plants thankyou..4875 days 3hrs
Dekopon in australia - to my knowledge Pacific Fresh in Leeton hold plant breeders rights (PBR) - no doubt the tree would attract a premium price - would like to know are Pacific Fresh releasing it (trees or seed) to "others" and if so at what price and what "ongoing" r..4875 days 3hrs

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