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Audrey's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Audrey Forum Contributions
Best sweet jujube varieties - Hi Peter, You are right Jujube plants are only available in June/ July. You have to pre order it up to a year ahead as there seems to be a huge waiting list at the moment. ..2539 days 11hrs
Chinese jujube - Thanks Mark for your reply. Seems like Li is a favourite. From other reviews that I read Honey Jar and Sugar Cane is a standout winner for taste and sweetness. Let us know how your Honey Jar and Shanxi Li taste๐Ÿ‘..2557 days 3hrs
Chinese jujube - Hi David, Thanks for your reply. They have tried fresh Jujube but I am not sure what variety it is thus starting this forum to see which jujube has the sweetest and best flavour. We all liked the taste and it was sweet..2557 days 3hrs
Best sweet jujube varieties - Thanks Fruitylicious1 ๐Ÿ‘..2557 days 3hrs
Best sweet jujube varieties - Thanks Fruitylicious1 your reply is much appreciated. I ordered Shanxi Li, Honey Jar and Sugar Cane so looking forward to planting them this winter..2559 days 13hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Audrey has LIKED the following:
Chinese jujube - Hi Audrey So far I have tasted 4 varieties of jujubes (Chico, pear, shui-men, Li). Personally I like li. It is the biggest and tastiest among the 4 I have tasted. But, then taste is a very personal thing. It might taste rubbish to some. If you want ..Liked Question 2561 days 4hrs

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