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Loma's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Brisbane

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Loma Forum Contributions
Coffee - No trouble to send some coffee seeds down to you. Just let me know your post office contact and I will post some down when they are ready. cheers Loma ..4811 days 21hrs
Coffee - I live in Brisbane. I will have heaps of coffee seeds in a couple of months and would be happy to pass them on...4835 days 20hrs
Coffee - I live in Brisbane. I have very lush coffee trees. Full of leaves flowers and fruit. I have my trees sitting behind a wall, that wall faces the western sun. So the trees are sheltered from the wind. I never water my trees just what they get from the r..4836 days 5hrs
Pummelo - I am in Brisbane. Had heaps of fruit on tree this year but overnight possums ate the lot...4836 days 6hrs
Paw paw8 - My mum told me a way of identifing paw paws male from female. when the plant in just popping up 2 inches or so dig them up. the one that has a splayed root system is a female and the one with a definate tap root type look is the male. I have worked on ..4836 days 6hrs

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