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BRise1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: near Geelong, Vic

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

BRise1 Forum Contributions
Gardening in perth sands - After the "Gero Flats" comment, I'm not sure just where you are located in Geraldton. I had been guessing that you are on sand very near the ocean. Firstly, the description of your watering and the behaviour of the water sounds exactly like typical w..4790 days 21hrs
Gardening in perth sands - To Nick - the soil here is, as you would expect, heavy clay. Interestingly the gardening advice is similar to that for Perth: add heaps of organic matter! In sand, to build up the soil and limit the drainage; in clay, to break up the soil and enhance drai..4805 days 2hrs
Gardening in perth sands - I've lived most of life in Perth on the empty sands and thought I might contribute my "tuppence worth." Frm AGWA info: "The hydrophobic compounds (waxes, alkanes, long chained fatty acids) that are left behind in the breakdown of organic matter are ..4814 days 23hrs

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