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Kim12's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: perth

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Kim12 Forum Contributions
Jaboticaba4 - Hi Amanda, Worms farms/compost bins are on my wish list at the moment. We're in the process of giving our garden a makeover of sort, so once done, I will be shopping. :) Is it safe to give blood and bone at the same time as the seasol? i'm such ..4747 days 15hrs
Jaboticaba4 - Hi Amanda, sadly, we don't have any worm activity at all - not yet. We got some from our neighbour but i don't think any managed to survive (haven't seen them at all when i got curious and started digging a bit to check). But hopefully with time we ..4748 days 22hrs
Jaboticaba4 - at the nursery there were two lots - one in full sun and one under filtered sun, we did pick our plants from the full sun lot as they had been exposed to our very warm summer and excepting for the few burned tips on the leaves they were still quite health..4752 days 24hrs
Tips for raising seeds - Thanks Denise - so they'll be ok for the time being? i was afraid that they would strange each other. :)..4753 days 0hrs
Tips for raising seeds - Hope you can help me - i put some surinam cherry seeds in one pot a few weeks back thinking if i was lucky enough that one or two would germinate. I'm very lucky in that i've got about 11 seedlings - however they're all in the same pot. A couple have..4753 days 13hrs

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