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ForestHill3131's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Forest Hill (Melbourne)

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

ForestHill3131 Forum Contributions
Cara cara - Thanks everyone for your helpful comments. I did try to tease the roots out when I first panted it from the pot to the ground but I'm no experienced gardener so I might not have odne that right. If it is a tight rootball, can I check by digging up the tr..4083 days 13hrs
Cara cara - Hi All, I planted a Cara Cara (orange) in April last year. Its in a spot with at least 8 hrs of sun and I used plenty of compost and chicken manure + it gets watered regularly. After almost 11 months, the plant has barely doubled in height but the thick..4085 days 9hrs
Organic - Thanks everyone for your responses. I'll stick with regular fruit trees for now and just grow then with as few chemicals as we can. ..4498 days 9hrs
Organic - Hi, is there such a thing as organic fruit trees? Or does the "organic" label only apply to either fruits grown with organic methods (on grafted trees) or to vegetables grown from seed from organically grown (non-hybrid/non-GMO) plants? I can't find an..4515 days 11hrs

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