Jesse Blenn's Edible Backyard
01/12/13 Updated:
01/12/13 Frost: Location: Costa Rica * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy
Jesse Blenn Forum Contributions
Red durian tabelak sabah durio graveolens - Hi Mike,
So do you know where to get any seeds of Willughbeia? I ate it in Borneo but my few plants gradually died from fungus (will use fungicide next time, soaking the entire planting bag, worked great for Baccaureas). I actually was absolutely thr.. 4744 days 16hrs
Red durian tabelak sabah durio graveolens - Hi Fruit lovers! I am desperately looking for a source of seeds for the Kubal and other varieties or species of Willughbeia, a climbing vine of north Borneo that has very good fruits. Can you help? Write me at 4751 days 17hrs
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