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Radi's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Townsville NQ

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Radi Forum Contributions
Mango tree not fruiting - We planted a grafted Kensington Pride Mango tree about 4 years ago. The second year we got 4 mangoes, last year 25 large beautiful tasting fruit. This year looked terrific until the flowers went black and dropped off - and no fruit at all. I know it was s..4717 days 15hrs
Black sapote not growing - Sorry, I didnt say where I was - Townsville. Sandra, dont give up, it seems to take a little while in our weather...4717 days 15hrs
Black sapote not growing - My Black Sapote was gift from my daughter and I have never seen tree or tasted fruit. Tree planted about 5 years ago in full sun in not particularly good soil and was watered when buffalo lawn got watered. It did nothing much for a couple of years until w..4717 days 16hrs

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