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Nick10's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Altona, VIC

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Nick10 Forum Contributions
Paw paw - G'day mike, I'm excited to hear that they might be bisexuals and that they're good for salads. I remember a delicious cotton fish with green mango salad I had in Thailand, is there any taste difference between green papaya and green mango?..4647 days 3hrs
Achacha fruit tree - Mine are also taking their time despite getting the royal treatment, but it's only been about a month so I guess I have to be a bit more patient. The emails sent Trang :)..4650 days 3hrs
Dwarf mulberry tree4 - G'day, I would suggest a dwarf red shahtoot mulberry, the tree is small and attractive and the fruit is extra sweet and very long (perfect if you find the standard black mulberries to small or sour!)..4650 days 4hrs
Cuttings seeds seedlings swap - Good news Mike, all four of the sweet potatoes have sprouted (one of the plants has purple leaves!!), the arrowroot has even put out its first leaf despite having its growing tip removed :) ..4653 days 10hrs
Cuttings seeds seedlings swap - Oops I forgot to mention durian seeds...4653 days 11hrs

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