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Jequila's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Gold Coast

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jequila Forum Contributions
Meyer lemon lemons tore branch off - Oh good, thanks :) I don't know much about gardening so I always worry that I'm doing things wrong. ..3884 days 10hrs
Meyer lemon lemons tore branch off - I bought a Meyer lemon tree back around Christmas, and it's had 4 lemons all on one branch for the whole time. They were juuust starting to turn yellow, but now the little branch they were on has been torn right off the tree. 1. Can I still eat these u..3884 days 15hrs
Help bugs on my basil - Whoops lost my link. http://www.abc.net.au/gardening/stories/s2281115.htm..4211 days 5hrs
Help bugs on my basil - Thanks! Is this the right thing to make? If so, I know what I'm doing this weekend >:)..4211 days 5hrs
Help bugs on my basil - I have these brown lumps all over my basil. At first I thought it was from the sudden ant increase (I think they're living in one of my pots...) but I just found some of the small lighter coloured ones moving about! I flipped a light one one over and fou..4211 days 10hrs

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