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Pitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery
Pitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree NurseryAstringent and non-astringent varietiesUse these promo codes to get special offers when placing a new orderGrapes available now

Lizz's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Perth

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Lizz Forum Contributions
Finger lime5 - Fruitist My sunrise lime had new branches growing above the graft that have thorns on them, what should I do?..3670 days 2hrs
Graviola tree or soursop - Sour Sob tea can be bought at The Good Store in Vic Park, however they are currently out of stock. I have two packets on order. ..4518 days 5hrs
Graviola tree or soursop - An intesting site is Cancer- the forbidden cures...4522 days 5hrs
Graviola tree or soursop - Re Sour sob tree.It is the leaves and bark that have medicinal healthy effects...4522 days 6hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Lizz has LIKED the following:
Finger lime5 - Thorny new growth from above the graft, sounds like watershoots, ie young vigirous growth spurts, leaves should be id to sunrise lime. Thorny growth from below the graft, but reaching above the graft union sounds like rootstock suckers, leaves different ..Liked Answer 3663 days 4hrs

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