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IanC's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Gold Coast

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

IanC Forum Contributions
Coffee trees1 - Hello, the dry method is when you leave the beans on the tree to ferment there and then hull. The "wet" method is to harvest the ripe red cherry, immerse in water for 24 hrs then remove the pulp, red cherry, then place beans in warm water with teaspoon ..3942 days 13hrs
Coffee trees1 - Your trees will stay green for quite awhile, do not despair. It will happen. Just make sure you keep the water up to the tree. A large inground tree will need up to 20 litres a day . Also is it in the shade, my trees are all shaded in a forest and do b..3978 days 11hrs
Coffee - Bill, pick only when bright red. then process to green bean...4492 days 14hrs

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