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Snowy Garlic's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Snowy Garlic Forum Contributions
Garlic - Hi, Rather than freeze your garlic,which will turn it brown, put the full cloves or cut cloves into a jar of olive oil and store in the fridge. That way you will have a garlic infused olive oil and your garlic will keep. Enjoy your garlic. ..4328 days 19hrs
Garlic - Hi All, We grow garlic in the Snowy Mountains in Australia. At present garlic entering our country ( imported garlic) is hit with bleach and Methyl Bromide. Methyl Bromide is a toxic gas that is recognised on the Australian Government websites such as..4331 days 1hrs

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