808Mike's Edible Backyard
01/12/13 Updated:
01/12/13 Frost: Location: Hawaii * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy
808Mike Forum Contributions
Pruning passionfruit - I forget how long this vine has been growing, but I cut it back almost the whole way and it grows back along the entire trellis in a year. This is a yellow variety which is slightly tart; I have another purple variety which is sweeter.
Usually there is t.. 4242 days 15hrs
Pruning passionfruit - I forget how long this vine has been growing, but I cut it back almost the whole way and it grows back along the entire trellis in a year. This is a yellow variety which is slightly tart; I have another purple variety which is sweeter.
Usually there is t.. 4242 days 17hrs
Pruning passionfruit - I forget how long this vine has been growing, but I cut it back almost the whole way and it grows back along the entire trellis in a year. This is a yellow variety which is slightly tart; I have another purple variety which is sweeter.
Usually there is t.. 4242 days 17hrs
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