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Plants that we have too many of and that will soon outgrow their pot size so need to be sold fast
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Laura1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Sydney

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Laura1 Forum Contributions
Maqui berry - John, I was afraid of that. I just don't have space to keep buying trees. This stupid boy tree now sort of blocks access to my bee hives and is on a strict "perform or die" order so, for its sake, I hope you're wrong!..4366 days 17hrs
Maqui berry - I've got something that looks like berries on my tree right now. They look to be rotting before anything productive happens. They are tiny (head of pin or thereabouts) with something that looks flower-like not berry-like. Anybody know if this is the b..4367 days 19hrs

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