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Loewenzahn's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: KATOOMBA

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Loewenzahn Forum Contributions
Bloodroot - I bought a goldenseal plant from all rare herbs and it had a shoot but the shoot seems to be dead. I hope it can grow another shoot, but I guess that won't happen...2711 days 7hrs
Reliable quality tap timer - Hi, we bought already a couple of tap timers none of them were good and they all start blowing up or leaking after a short while. The only exception so far was one timer from hoselink, but first it does only intervalls that means it waters as well at nigh..2712 days 0hrs
Chaenomeles speciosa - Thanks! Probably the fruit producing variety rasa is not available in Australia. My thought was that this would be a great tree since it is so small!..2805 days 6hrs
Chaenomeles speciosa - Chaenomeles Speciosa or Japanese Quince, I think it is an interesting fruit as the tree is very small. I read that the yields are very variable from seed, and that there is a cultivar named 'rasa', is this cultivar or another good cultivar available somew..2807 days 24hrs
Goji berry2 - I still don't have a gojiberry!!! Is it better grown from seed or from cuttings? Are there cultivars? And: who would sell me some cuttings (in case they travel well)?..2853 days 1hrs

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