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Pitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery
Pitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree NurseryAstringent and non-astringent varietiesUse these promo codes to get special offers when placing a new orderGrapes available now

Bruce Qld's Edible Backyard

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Bruce Qld Forum Contributions
Citrus bugs - Be careful eating fruit that comes from a tree treated with Confidor, as it is not approved for human consumption. It is only to be used, and their documentation that I read specifically mentions orange stink beetles, when the tree is not flowering or ca..2470 days 23hrs
Citrus bugs - If the 10% washing up liquid isn't working just keep increasing the concentration until it does. Not all washing up liquids are equal. We use homebrand lemon liquid from the supermarket that costs $1 for a 1 litre bottle. ..2491 days 23hrs
Citrus bugs - Thee best and guaranteed method is to use a pressure sprayer with water and kitchen washup liquid (90% water 10% washup liquid - 50ml in 450ml of water). Stand back an spray whatever bugs you can see. Give each bug a good dousing and watch them fall and ..2493 days 4hrs
Citrus bugs - The easiest and cheapest method is to mix 450mm of tap water with about 50mm of el-cheepo dishwashing liquid in a hand spray /squirt bottle. When it is squirted from the bottle it should not be foaming, but in a liquid stream. Give the bugs, juvenile or ..3274 days 21hrs

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