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JJ2's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 15/11/24 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

JJ2 Forum Contributions
Maqui berry - I have 3 maqui, all purchased at various Bunnings! They are planted across my property, each separated by 25 to 40m. Will this allow for pollination (hoping I have a male and female!) or do they need to be closer?..3385 days 5hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

JJ2 has LIKED the following:
Maqui berry - Maqui should only be grown by responsible people as they can become a major weed. I would spend a week at least each year weeding seedlings. They are a vigorous shrub, especially for Tasmania climate, as they will put on over 3 metres of growth during sum..Liked Answer 3385 days 5hrs

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