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Sonja1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 00/00/00 Frost:
Location: BULGA

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Sonja1 Forum Contributions
Stink bugs - I have just sprayed my kampha lime with neem and home made liquid soap with water. Thank you hoping it works..3322 days 15hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Sonja1 has LIKED the following:
Stink bugs - I tried for a change (instead of knocking them off with a stick), 10ml neem oil and 5ml horticultural soap per litre of water. And it worked! They didn't drop dead instantaneously though. Now I don't know whether an oil spray would have the same resul..Liked Answer 3322 days 15hrs
Stink bugs - I tried for a change (instead of knocking them off with a stick), 10ml neem oil and 5ml horticultural soap per litre of water. And it worked! They didn't drop dead instantaneously though. Now I don't know whether an oil spray would have the same resul..Liked Answer 3322 days 15hrs

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