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Adam11's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 04/12/24 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Adam11 Forum Contributions
Avocado41 - living on the gold coast i want to put in some avocado trees what are the best from a and b groups to put together so we can get avo's nearly all year round without having massive trees..2939 days 16hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Adam11 has LIKED the following:
Avocado41 - To give you an idea of the size of a mature Shepard avocado tree, I have attached a few pictures. Unfortunately the tree was cut down so I found some historical Google Earth pictures from 2002 when the tree was still there. Picture 3 shows a current st..Liked Answer 2931 days 7hrs
Avocado41 - I live in Brisbane and have put in a Pinkerton (A) and a Sharwill (B) and a Sheppard (B). Hope this helps - I did a heap of research on the subject. Cheers..Liked Answer 2931 days 7hrs

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