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Starling1's Edible Backyard

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Starling1 Forum Contributions
Ice cream bean - Nothing that sophisticated Mark. Just a ghetto version of a large pot/raised bed really. Waste not want not; saved me a trip to the tip and gave the Inga a home. I used a grinder to cut a hole in the back for drainage, then buried it about half its maximu..3036 days 3hrs
Star apple - All fruit trees benefit from cross pollination, but the star apple will set on its own at a reasonable rate. ..3037 days 17hrs
Ice cream bean - I'm not sure if an inga will fruit in a 100l pot. I've got one growing in an old fridge which is 350L, it's about 2.5m tall so far with quite a spread and no sign of fruit yet. This may just mean it's not ready yet, however...3037 days 17hrs
Plant id please2 - That's a carambola (starfruit)...3051 days 4hrs
Is my white sapote slowly dying - I find that best results are achieved by treating them pretty much the same as avocado...3053 days 9hrs

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