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Moony1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 29/11/22 Frost:
Location: STOCKTON

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Moony1 Forum Contributions
Pomegranate tree - Same, I get 2 or 3 red flowers and then nothing. It is about 1 and a half metres tall and bushy. Sunny position Newcastle ..2164 days 19hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Moony1 has LIKED the following:
Pomegranate tree - I have two pomegranate trees in araluen, NSW, which are about four years old now and about 1.5m tall. They have both produced flowers but no sign of fruit. Im pretty sure i bought fruiting varieties so am not sure why these are not producing anything. Do ..Liked Question 2164 days 20hrs
Pomegranate tree - my pomegranate trees are about 5years old and produce lots of fruit but the fruit is bitter.What can i do to get sweeter fruit?..Liked Answer 2164 days 20hrs
Pomegranate tree - Just wanted to share - you can cultivate cuttings from an established pomegranate tree - when pruning, pull off the side shoots, dip in rooting powder, and plant in good quality potting mix. Water initially, then put the pots out in the garden, in a shelt..Liked Answer 2164 days 20hrs
Finger lime5 - Hi Oldie Finger limes are suppose to be self fertile. In your case if there is a lack of pollinators like bees and the like you have to hand pollinate you finger lime. The normal tool is a small sable brush or an artist brush or a cotton swab will do. ..Liked Answer 2164 days 20hrs
Finger lime5 - Wayne, thanks for the advice. We now have approx. 30 small fruit in the tree, not sure how many will survive after the heavy rain last night though. Some of the fruit are not about 5mm inlength and fairly plump. Now just ahve to pray that they grow to ma..Liked Answer 2164 days 20hrs
Finger lime5 - Citrus like dolomite and epsom salts to help their fruit set Roger, but I don't know about finger limes. It won't hurt the plant to try..Liked Answer 2164 days 20hrs

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