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Jacky2's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 00/00/00 Frost:
Location: RUTHVEN

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jacky2 Forum Contributions
Weird melon - Thank you for the answers guys. Didn’t know there are some many plants with similar friuits out there. I should have included a photo of the leaves. It is most likely to be Cucumis zeyheri. Pademelon1 was right! Happy Gardening :)..2605 days 21hrs
Weird melon - Hello guys, I found these weird looking melons in my orchard this morning. They looks similar to African horn melon but more spiky. Anyone know what are they? Are they edible? Thanks. ..2608 days 5hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Jacky2 has LIKED the following:
Weird melon - Hi Jacky It's a wild cucumber (echynocystis lobata). A pesky weed. If I were you i'll get rid of it like a plague. Sorry to disappoint you but it's inedible. It will cause stomach upset and diarrhoea when consumed. Happy Gardening :-)..Liked Answer 2605 days 22hrs
Weird melon - There are a couple of options for what they could be, none of which are poisonous, but none are 'edible' either. The most likely candidates are the natives either Cucumis dipsaceus or C. zeyheri, which are closely related to the African horned melon (a..Liked Answer 2605 days 22hrs

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