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WazzaMort's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 00/00/00 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

WazzaMort Forum Contributions
Heirloom fig varieties - Hi, I have two Purple Vigilante there is nothing wrong with them. They are similar size to Black Genoa. They grow well and fruit well. 8/10..2139 days 6hrs
Fig cuttings available - Hi Peter, I am keen to order from you. Do you have an email address? Or can you email me at w_mortensen@ hotmail . Com just remore the spaces. Regards Warwick ..2521 days 10hrs
Mislabeled brown turkey fig id - Hi peter30001, I was wondering if you sell any rooted figs or cuttings? I am starting to get a collection now and was wonder if you would send me a list of your collection? Happy to pay for ones I don't have. My email is w_mortensen @ hotmail . com just..2583 days 6hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

WazzaMort has LIKED the following:
Fig cuttings available - hi all, just finished starting about 100 desert king cuttings and have some left over for $10.00 ea. plus postage. also available for $10.00 ea. are black genoa, white genoa, cape white, white adriatic, lemmon lennie, black turkey, deanna, st..Liked Answer 2521 days 10hrs

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