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Stevo2's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 00/00/00 Frost:
Location: WOREE

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Stevo2 Forum Contributions
Eugenia identification - Looks a lot like Eugenia pitanga..1870 days 10hrs
Jaboticaba tree - Try the giant sweet yellow Glazioviana variety cabeludinha da cruz rather than the sour variety that local nurseries prefer to stock..1870 days 10hrs
Looking for cyclea barbata - Cyclea barbata vines available very soon ..1971 days 22hrs
Lucs garcinia availability - I've done a heap of grafts of luc's onto brasiliensis so we'll see how that goes..2043 days 12hrs
Blackgold jakfruit - I have Amber , J33 , Rajhan and Berry seedlings currently available..2147 days 11hrs

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