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Queen garnet plum - Probably won't come true to type. One article said Queen Garnet is a prolific producer which tells me it might have some self pollinating ability. Anyway I am planting seeds just in case. ..Liked Answer 1832 days 15hrs
Queen garnet plum - The seed parent of Queen Garnet is Blackamber and the pollinator was Amber Jewel. Queen Garnet is not self pollinating and is pollinated in the orchard by Blackamber and Santa Rosa...Liked Answer 1832 days 15hrs
Queen garnet plum - It says on one website that the chill requirement for these plums is around 600 hrs. I find it hard to believe that a Japanese Plum would be that high?Maybe they are of European origin. Does anybody know any facts about their parentage? I can't see trees..Liked Answer 1832 days 15hrs
Queen garnet plum - According to the article, the orchard has polliniser plum trees, so depending on whether the qgp is self pollinating, there is a chance it might not be true to type. But still worth a go imho...Liked Answer 1832 days 16hrs

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