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Marmot1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 25/09/23 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Marmot1 Forum Contributions
Meyer lemon - snails & slugs......945 days 15hrs
Gold nugget mandarin1 - They are not open to backyard growers, unless you have a farm--of course you need to sign agreements not to spread them to outsiders...950 days 14hrs
Does anyone have neola avocado scions - @jakfruit etiquette I know it was selected yet, from comments under Noela, it's between hass and shepard.... and due to its size, the yield is usually lower than other medium/small fruits types--check choquette, avozilla... Anyway, I placed an o..1004 days 11hrs
Does anyone have neola avocado scions - I almost give up and started to think it's not worthwhile to give it a go, seems it's nothing close to being tasty or fruitful...1006 days 13hrs
Does anyone have neola avocado scions - I'm looking for this type, and hope to graft several trees, thanks...1015 days 15hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Marmot1 has LIKED the following:
In search of avocado rootstock - Velvick is supposed to be more salt tolerant and Duke 7 more wet feet and possibly Phytophera tolerant ..Liked Answer 1993 days 7hrs

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