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Plants that we have too many of and that will soon outgrow their pot size so need to be sold fast
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GrahamD's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 17/02/25 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

GrahamD Forum Contributions
Meyer lemon - My first thought was snails or slugs but there is no trace of either.This is virgin soil that doesn't even have lawn growing as I am getting ready to lay turf. As mentioned my other citrus were not touched . I haven't noticed any pests about an..952 days 9hrs
Meyer lemon - All new growth was eaten from my plant last night.I cannot find any visual evidence of culprit. My guess it must have been a bird .Any ideas. There is no sign of invader,no slime trail,no droppings ,no mulch disarray.My other citrus trees were not touch..953 days 24hrs
Where to buy plantains - Hi Phil, Have just read your request today. I have given the plants to the local High School garden. Regards, Graham..1947 days 7hrs
Where to buy plantains - If anyone is wanting Plantain suckers I have many available. i live in Wollongong. I received the plantain sucker thinking it was Lady Finger banana. Luckily my neighbour uses them as they are of no interest to me...2060 days 2hrs
Fig identity - Thanks Pauline, I tasted the fruit and it was tasteless and dry. I have some fruit already appearing on the cuttings so if they ripen I will contact you . BTW is the rusty appearance on the leaves natural or hot weather?..2174 days 8hrs

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