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MelRaine's Edible Backyard

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

MelRaine Forum Contributions
Grapevine shoots and water - Thanks! The vine is fairly undisciplined so I don't mind it being there. One of the 2 shoots has gone brown, the other healthy. I guess I'll keep watching and learning! ..1823 days 17hrs
Grapevine shoots and water - I have a an established grapevine growing on the top of a fence. Some of the canes have left the trellis and are hanging down, and one ended up in a bowl of water (a disused fountain). I've moved it out but find it returns. Is this coincidence, or co..1839 days 23hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

MelRaine has LIKED the following:
Grapevine shoots and water - Hi Mel Yes plants can absorb water through their leaves during high humidity episodes like foggy days and during water evaporation process that's why your grape vine is drawn to the bowl of water, just like a sunflower following the movement of t..Liked Answer 1823 days 17hrs

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