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Airmid's Edible Backyard

Joined: 17/04/20 Updated: 25/04/20 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Airmid Forum Contributions
Daun salam leaves - Here's a better picture of the cuttings. I currently keep clear plastic cups over them, with a small hole in the top, to preserve the humidity, but I took them off so you can see how viable, but delicate, they are. I suppose there may be a good half ..1468 days 4hrs
Daun salam leaves - Hi jakfruit etiquette, I know that they produce flowers followed by seed pods, but as my tree is close to the neighbour's fence line, I keep it to a low level so it doesn't get a chance to produce seeds, unfortunately. I currently have cuttings..1469 days 2hrs
Daun salam leaves - I have recently discovered the lovely shady tree in my back garden was, in fact, a Syzygium polyanthum, or Indonesian Bay Tree. Indonesian friends, who call it Daun Salam, have since instructed me on its use in Indo-Malay cooking, which I have tried and c..1481 days 2hrs

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