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Cool_Breeze's Edible Backyard

Joined: 17/06/20 Updated: 17/06/20 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Cool_Breeze Forum Contributions
Yo pink lady apple tree - Hi Betty, You might just have to find a way to live them because it is almost impossible to get rid of them. Three years ago, we had a few possum start gnawing on our jackfruits. I don't know how legal this is but we made a cage trap and baited..1607 days 18hrs
Avocado in pots - Hey Ted, Personally i would go ahead and plant in the ground. Even with the aggressive root system, it shouldn't affect anything structurally. Another thing many Brissy folks do is plant avos on mounds to help against the clay soils. This should a..1607 days 19hrs
Avocado in pots - Hi Tedy, As far as I know, the Wurtz would be best to grow in a pot in Brissy mate. Been a dwarf, it'll only grow 3 metres max. Whereas the Hass can get as big as 10 metres. Can I ask why you are choosing to grow in pot only? Is it space issues..1609 days 12hrs
Real or not strange fruit tree grafts - Hi Jakfruit etiquette, You're definitely right about citruses been able to graft on other citruses. I have successfully done quite a few as experiments a few years back. Never used the flying dragon rootstock though. Just store bought oranges. man..1609 days 13hrs
Tropical fruit trees successfuly grown in sydneywollongongnewcastle3 - Hi Farouk, From seed to fruit in 3 years is very impressive. Can i ask if it was in ground or pot, sown direct or transplanted later and finally left alone or pruned?? How many did you get on first season?? And did it taste the same as original frui..1611 days 13hrs

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