Belinda H's Edible Backyard
11/08/20 Updated:
26/08/24 Frost: Location: ELIZABETH EAST * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy
Belinda H Forum Contributions
Actinidia polygama - Thanks heaps. I will be placing an order. .. 165 days 14hrs
Actinidia polygama - Trying to find out if this is available in Australia an if so, who has it.
Aka Orange Kiwi, Silver Vine.. 689 days 10hrs
Best strawberries - Hi, has anyone got any Kokowase available? I can't find them any where
.. 1641 days 11hrs
Belinda H has LIKED the following:
Actinidia polygama - Dickson is rare plants nursery at Mt Macedon (Victoria) has A.polygama.
AFAIK it’s just one clone and I don’t know if it’s male or female….
You may not get fruit, unless cross pollinating with another Actnidia sp., in which case the progeny from seeds o.. Liked Answer 165 days 14hrs
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