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Steve SEQ's Edible Backyard

Joined: 25/02/22 Updated: 24/02/22 Frost:
Location: OXLEY

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Steve SEQ Forum Contributions
Vietnamese oranges - Very sweet. It is a beauty...1080 days 4hrs
Vietnamese oranges - Hi Bob, Can we be in contact regarding Vietnamese Oranges, please? ziebarth.steve@gmail.com..1080 days 17hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Steve SEQ has LIKED the following:
Vietnamese oranges - Hi, I'm not sure if you are still interested in the Cam Sanh or not, but I have a mature tree that I grew from seed several years ago. I'd be happy to take a cutting of it for you...Liked Answer 1080 days 17hrs
Vietnamese oranges - Here's a couple of photos. It needs a bit of TLC, but is fairly happy with my hands off approach to gardening.I can assure you that it is a Cam Sanh as I ate the fruit that the seeds came from while in Vietnam...Liked Answer 1080 days 17hrs

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