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Grafted mango
Grafted mangoIn Stock Grafted Avocado Fruit Trees are now readyPitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree NurseryAstringent and non-astringent varieties

Jelliss's Edible Backyard

Joined: 05/04/23 Updated: 09/11/23 Frost:
Location: BUSHMEAD

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jelliss Forum Contributions
Autumn crisp grape cuttings wanted1 - I would also like one if anyone has any! Also in Perth..358 days 17hrs
Gold nugget mandarin1 - Hey! Just wanted to see if anyone has managed to get their hands on a tree? ..363 days 17hrs
Dekopon in australia - I may have found a place in Perth which sells the Dekopon tree under a 'sumo' mandarin brand. He said this is the first year of propagation and has 100 at $50 per tree. I'm picking one up tomorrow and guess time will tell. ..579 days 17hrs

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