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Becj1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 29/09/09 Updated: 29/09/09 Frost:
Location: Hamilton Hill

About My Edible Backyard

Why Becj1 Love's Edible Plants

I'm a full time visual artist with my studio facing my new citrus orchard. I have a big family of boys and mostly north facing 900 sq m of garden potential to play with. The soil here is mostly sand with limestone deep underneath - there are some pockets of what is locally known as 'spearwood red' ; a mineral rich sand that the market gardeners used to grow food crops. Our house is an original market garden home too. I'm working on the concept of perimeter planting - utilising the gentle eastern slopes on my block and also creating raised garden beds using recycled brick for retaining walls. I'm experimenting with planting heavy feeding trees on small mounds so I can incease the density of plants species in relation to spacing . I hope that this will help make the most of  resources such as soil improvers, mulches and irrigation. The fence provides protection and works well to create a micro climate. In the centre I'm keeping it quite open using deciduous trees for solar and beauty purposes. I guess I'm applying basic permaculture techniques - virtually all the plants in my garden have been chosen to fulfill a certain purpose - I haven't had to sacrifice pleasing the senses or aesthetics either. There seems to be an abundance of room - It's a bit like a tardus. I've found that by planning this way I have enough space for everything except the hugest trees and things grow fast...multiple stone fruits such as peach - plum - apricot - nectarine and multiple citrus  -lime - lemon - orange - mandarine and more..Along north facing boundry fence (south end of property) I have planted mostly evergreens such as Mango - avocado - sapote - passionfruit - grapes - Guava - basically I've created a canopy of medium and small trees with a back drop of climbers on sturdy trellis (set 500mm proud above the fence with neighbour permission - this goes for  the entire north and east facing boundry) an understory of shrubs and perennials including herbs hopefully to reduce the pest potential. I also have a 60 sqm native garden at the eastern front of the block for the birds and critters and a large pond. I've installed a 3500 litre tank to justify the water and a grey water system. The garden is only one year old and I'm already getting loquats - mulberries - strawberries - peaches  - grapes - all the herbs I can possible use and supplying the neighbours. too.I know I'm going to have to manage the excess green waste as things grow but I like being outside doing stuff anyhow.I have a shade problem along part of my north boundry where my neighbours house sits so I'm now trying to work out what edible I can get going there if any?



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