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Wintershade's Edible Backyard

Joined: 25/01/11 Updated: 15/10/22 Frost:
Location: LISMORE

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Wintershade Forum Contributions
Mango tree22 - thank you edward3 ithought it might be Anthracnose after doing a lot of searching. you don't think so?..851 days 3hrs
Mango tree22 - can anyone help. these are on the leaves of my grated mango tree. its about 6 years old..856 days 2hrs
Mango tree21 - ..856 days 2hrs
Fruit on young avocado - i have 2 year old grafted avocados - hass and shepard. they are only 2 years old, but they have baby fruits. i suspect they are too young to bear. is that so? what should i do. the Hass in particular has a lot of little fruit help please..1584 days 1hrs
When to feed and prune a mango - thanks very much Mango Mike. great instructions..2676 days 1hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Wintershade has LIKED the following:
Pruning mango tree - Hi wintershade, Yes once the tree is established in the ground or even if it is still growing in a pot you can cut the whole top of as described in my old post. In its next growth flush it will start to grow 3 - 4 branches under where you made the cut..Liked Answer 2676 days 22hrs

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