Kevin Of Vict Point Qld Forum Contributions
Passionfruit20 - Thanks. Hope the critters leave them alone, whilst theyre hanging there...
4513 days 9hrs
Passionfruit24 - further to my request for info "why is my passionfruit not ripening" they have had : Trace element powder watered in, Potash, chook manure, Thrive for Fruit& flowers,..
4520 days 10hrs
Passionfruit20 - Help, Does anyone have an answer and a solution here.
Have three types of Passionfruit, as the month of May is here and almost into June, My vines are "loaded" with green fruit, they don't want to ripen.Q: wonder if this is normal for this time of th..
4520 days 11hrs
Pruning passionfruit - try adding trace element mixture, to sweeten, use epsom salts..
4577 days 6hrs
Pruning passionfruit - Thanks for that, will attend to the problem...
4653 days 10hrs